Field Notes and Sketches 2019-05-29T01:26:53+00:00

 Stories lifted directly from my Moleskine®

Five Days With The Huaorani

Huaorani consider themselves to be the bravest people in the Amazon. Through the millennia they have defended their piece of the Oriente rainforest by killing everyone and anyone who they came across. Their spears were left in the bodies of the trespassers to ensure that their message was clear.



Fa’a Samoa

It is awfully difficult for a barefoot school boy to pay attention to his lessons with the Pacific Ocean pounding on the beach just beyond the playground of Mokapu Elementary School. Even with less than half of my attention in the classroom I do remember Miss Wahineaukai’s Pigeon-English, trying to teach


The Only Cuban Cigar I Truly Enjoyed

The way that I remember it we were in The Club Cohiba drinking Mojitos—or was in Martinis? Dark and exotic, The Club Cohiba lies beneath the ground floor of the Havana Hotel in San Antonio, which, after the coming and going of several elegant cocktail glasses, takes on a shivery conspiratorial air.